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Thursday, October 6, 2011

The kiss from my hand / Sarutul din palma

Inca imi amintesc prima noastra intalnire…Inca mai port cu mine acel sarut, acel prim sarut! Imi amintesc cum mi-ai luat mainile si mi-ai sarutat palma dreapta, apoi mi-ai inchis mana sa tin acolo strans sarutul tau. Si oricand imi va fi dor de tine, sa deschid putin palma si sa sarut acel sarut. Sa simt acel sarut pe buzele mele care iti simt lipsa. Si acum inca, dupa ani si ani de zile, cand sunt doar eu cu mine, inchid ochii, decshid palma si iti simt atingerea buzelor. Atunci inchid repede palma sa strang acel sarut, il tin pentru o clipa sa fiu sigura ca inca e al meu, apoi imi ating obrazul cu palma deschisa si te am cu mine, si te port cu mine oriunde ma duc. De cate ori vreau sa te simt, imi ating obrazul cu degetele, si stiu ca ceva din tine  este cu mine, si va fi mereu cu mine…

I still remember our first date. I keep that kiss still, that first kiss! I do remember how you took my hands and kissed my right palm, and then  you closed my palm to keep your kiss for myself, and every time when I miss you, I have to open my hand and kiss your kiss, and feel it on my lips. Even now, after years, when I feel lonely and miss you, I close my eyes; open my hand and I feel your touch. Then I immediately closed it again, just to be sure that the kiss is still there just for me. However, I touch my chin with my palm, and my fingers go across my chin, and I know for sure that something from you is still there with me, and will still be there…