Ideea asta mi-a fost sugerata indirect intr-o discutie cu o persoana foarte draga mie. Eram seara acasa in bucatarie “biroul meu de acasa” si ma intreaba daca eu cred in extraterestrii. Fara nici o ezitare am raspuns DA, cred. Si sunt convinsa ca mai devreme sau mai tarziu o sa ii si putem vedea. Asa cum acum “n” ani celularul si laptopul erau o fantezie te povestiri S.F. si acum sunt o realitate indispensabila, tot asa sunt convinsa ca si extraterestrii vor trai printre noi, daca nu cumva sunt deja. De aici apare o alta intrebare: suntem noi un imens laborator unde extraterestrii se joaca putin?
This idea was suggested to me by a lovely person of mine. While I was in the kitchen – the place where I spend most of the time – he asked me if I believe in aliens. With out thinking too much I answered YES, I do. It is true, I do think that sometimes in future we will see them. A long time ago, cell phones and laptops were subjects for S.F. stories. Today it is a necessary reality. I am convinced that the aliens will live with us, IF they are not already here. And, another question: are we a huge laboratory where they play with our mind?
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ReplyDeleteși semnul lăsat!
O duminică frumoasă!
Te îmbrățișez cu drag!
Fara indoiala ca nu suntem singuri in Univers.Cel mai probabil,in eventualitatea ca sunt mai evoluati decat noi,suntem studiati ca niste animale la gradina zoologica.
ReplyDeleteBuna Elena, te astept sa ma vizitezi si sa ne lasam semne.
ReplyDeleteBuna Iulian, ma buur ca avem aceleasi opinii.
ReplyDeleteyes i do believe in aliens because when i was 18 years old i was talking to my boyfriend on the phone and i heard noises on the my front porch, so of course i looked and saw 3 short see through people which i figured were aliens. I couldnt really make out what they looked liked. I closed my curtain because i was scared my boyfriend told me to look again because i was probably imagining it, so i looked again and there they still were until 4.00 in the morning.
ReplyDeleteam scris ca : nu ne ia dracu pt ca nu are ce face cu noi ; extraterestrii ? ce naiba sa experimenteze la asa cantitate de prostie ?
ReplyDeleteMariean, am ras cu gura pana la urechi, bine le zici.
ReplyDeleteOK, anonymous a zis: da, cred in extraterestrii , deoarece, cand eram de 18 ani, vorbeam cu prietenul meu la telefon si am auzit galagie in fata case;bineaibteles ca m-am uitat si am vazut 3 persoane scunde care m-am gandit ca sunt extraterestrii. Nu pot sa explic cum aratau.Am inchis draperiile pentru ca eram speriata, dar prietenul meu mi-a zis sa ma uit iarasi ca sigur imi imaginez., deci m-am uitat iar si erau tot acolo si au stat pana la 4 dimineata.
ReplyDeleteHello anonymous, how many hours did they stay there? Did you call the police?