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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Operatii estetice …. / Esthetical surgery ...

Eram intr-una din dimineti in masina, in drum spre servici si ascultam un post de radio. Imi atrage atentia subiectul zilei: daca o femeie ar avea posibilitatea de a face o operatie de infrumusetare, ce parte a corpului ar alege? Eu, chiar daca eram singura in masina, raspund cu glas tare: soldurile, fericita ca stiu raspunsul. Dar stupoare, dupa statistici, se pare ca femeile vor sa scape de pielea de sub brate. Cum? Nu imi venea sa cred ce aud. Serios? Chiar este asta o asa problema? Chiar majoritatea femeilor sufera de pielea de sub brate? Iar explicatia era ca ele nu pot purta nimic fara maneca, pentru ca li se vede surplusul. Dar daca stau si ma gandesc bine, ele sunt totusi niste fericite ca sunt multumite de celelalte parti ale corpului.

             While I was driving to my work, my attention has gotten to the topic on the radio station: if a lady has the opportunity to have an esthetical surgery, which part of her body will she choose? Even if I was by myself in the car, I shouted out loud the answer which I thought is the correct one: hips. Surprise though, because, the worst part of the body which women want to get rid of it, is the part under the arm – the talk show lady named it as wing. What? I could not believe it? Really?  Is this part of the body a big problem? Is it true that most of the women have this body problem? The talk show lady has given an explication: that ladies cannot were tops or dresses with no sleeves. If I analyze the situation, they are lucky though because they are happy/pleased with the rest of their body.        


  1. Bine ai venit in blogosfera! iti urez sa ai postari cat mai multe !

  2. Multumesc frumos Minoki, nu uita ca ideea a fost a ta.

  3. Ca barbat,credeam ca 99% din femei vor sa isi "ajusteze" sanii :))

  4. Exact Iulian, ma gandisem si eu la asta dar stii cum e , fiecare cu ce il doare mai mult.
