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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Muppet Show / Papusile Muppet

Cine nu isi mai aminteste de vestitul serial pentru copii “Muppet Show”? Asa de haioase si vesele, mistocare si totusi cu bun simt acele papusi! Era difuzat parca duminica, stiu ca eram nelipsita din fata televizorului. Nu pierdeam un minut din acest spectacol. Imi placeau enorm de mult cei doi mosulici Statler si Waldorf. Glumele lor, rasul lor; erau asa de haios! Ei si dupa ani si ani,
am avut ocazia sa stau in aceeasi sala cu papusile Muppets, sa vizionez live un spectacol. Si surpriza mare a fost cand cei doi batrani au aparut in vestitul balcon si au inceput cu comentariile si glumele lor. In acel moment eram undeva in aer, eram iarasi copilul din mine, eram iarasi eu cea mica. Emotiile care m-au cuprins, sunt de nedescris. Eram transpusa in show-ul care se desfasura in fata ochilor mei. Eram acolo, si totodata ma simteam ca sunt intr-o lume ireala. Puteam atinge ceea ce vedeam, dar imi era teama sa si respir ca nu cumva totul sa se destrame. Stiam ca totul e real, dar pentru mine era unca un vis.
  Un vis devenit realitate!

Who does not remember about the Muppet Show? Very funny and comics all those puppets! A long time ago, the show was on TV every Sunday afternoon. Every Sunday I was watching it. I have never missed a minute. I have really liked the old men Statler and Waldorf. Their jokes, their laugh, their comments, were everything. After years, I had the opportunity to be in the Muppet’s Theatre, and to see a live show. And, during the show, surprise: the old men showed up in the balcony, and of course they have started their comments and jokes. At that moment I was stunned, I was again a child. I had butterflies in my stomach, different feelings covered me up. I was in the show. I was there, real, but still unreal. I could have touched it, but I was afraid even to breathe, that everything will disappear. I knew it that it is real, but for me it was still a dream. 
A dream come true!


  1. Super....radeam cu lacrimi
    cand ma uitam la ei..
    O seara minunata!
    Te imbratisez cu draG!

  2. Norocoaso! Si eu am fost mare fan pe vremea aceea. Cred ca si acum mi-ar placea sa mai vad. Pe mine ma amuzau Kermit si cu Peggy

  3. Mda, Minoki, pot sa zic ca sunt norocoasa!

  4. Minunat serial, minunat sentiment!

  5. Uau! Ce norocoasa! Cand eram copil ma dadeam peste cap sa nu ratez vreun episod!

  6. Nici eu nu pierdeam nimic Alina!

  7. Oooo...da !!! Imi amintesc...ii urmaream cu multa placere!

  8. Florentin, ca mine si ca tine, multa lume a indragit acest show!
