o Kauai Island is a wild, beautiful and marvelous place where everybody aspires to spend their vacation. It has volcanic mountains covered with a variety of tropical plants, and beneath the valley is the Pacific Ocean with his loud, foamy and strong waves. On the island is a highway which goes around the island except for a small portion where there is a hidden beach. The highway is like a ribbon wrapping the island with some sparkles from the signal lights. Since I have planned my trip to Kauai, I was amazed about the many things that can be seen there, and I really wanted from the bottom of my heart to go hiking on the trail which leads to the hidden beach. Even I knew that this will be an exhausting day; however, I was ready to embrace everything that nature had to share with me. After a drive for about forty minutes, I arrived at the destination point.
The trail led up on the mountain, and meandered down to the hidden beach. Looking at it from above, the path of the trail looks like the entire mountain was winded by a very long, skinny, and calm snake. As I began my journey on the very tiny dusty hiking trail, I sometimes had to move the plants away from my way. They were