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Saturday, February 5, 2011

The journey of an emigrant / Jurnalul uni emigrant 2

Am sa incep cu aeroportul Otopeni.
Era vineri dimineata,29 octombrie, ora 3.50. In aceeasi zi in care mama mea isi sarbatorea ziua de nastere. Niciodata nu am sa ma pot ierta ca am plecat exact in acea zi. Stiu ca ea m-a iertat de mult. Am ajuns la aeroport insotiti de prietena mea cu sotul ei si nana copilului nostru, si ne uitam speriati in stanga si in dreapta. O lume necunoscuta noua incepea sa prinda contur. Tot ceea ce pana in acel moment erau doar vorbe,planuri si vise, urma sa se intample.
Noi eram cu 6 valize si 4 bagaje de mana si un copil. Langa noi ,mai era o familie tot cu bagaje multe: emigranti catre Canada .Ne gandeam ca am ajuns prea devreme,dar la 4.10 o voce feminine anunta ca pasagerii pentru cursa Bucuresti-Amsterdam sa se prezinte pentru control.Ne uitam unii la altii si nu puteam inca pleca.Dar,a sosit timpul. Noul capitol,sau noua viata incepea.Un nou episod dureros, si cu pasi greoi ne-am indreptat spre porti,porti de despartire,dar si porti pentru un nou START. Ah,uitasem sa va zic de copil,ca era foarte entuziasmat. Nimeni dintre noi nu mai zburase cu avionul pana atunci si abia asteptam acest lucru,dar pasii erau inceti,greoi,iar privirile noastre se intorceau mereu inapoi.

I will start with the Otopeni Airport.
October 29, Friday at 3.50am in the same day with my mom’s birthday we went to the airport. I will never forgive myself for it. I know she has forgiven me for it. We arrived to the airport accompanied by my friend her husband and my son’s godmother, and scared we started to look around us. A new world started to appear ahead. All our dreams, plans, all of them have been started to be real. We had 6 suitcases, 4 hand bags and a 5 year old child. By us was another Romanian family ready to immigrate to Canada. While we were thinking that we got too early to the airport at 4.10 am, a feminine voice announced that the passengers for Bucharest-Amsterdam flight are invited for check in. We looked one at each other, and could not believe it. It was time. A new chapter, a new life has been started. Another GOOD-BYE moment, and with slow motion steps we started to go to the gate; gate of separation put distance between us and Romania. But in the same time gate for a new BEGINNING. I want to let you know that our son was so excited about the flight. It was first time for all of us, but does not matter how exciting can be, our steps were still in slow motion and we were looking back to our friends. 

1 comment:

  1. Buna Lumi, maine imi fac timp si o sa pun modelul cu lalelele ca postare pentru a putea si alte fete sa il scoata.Imi pare bine ca ti-au placut dar si pentru ca totodata ai venit cu o ideea pentru a face cadou cu aceste minuscule cusaturi.Iti doresc o Dumnica binecuvantata!
